
Showing posts from February, 2020
Lab05 In todays lab we got to learn about how to use the lighting in the studio, at what values the lights should be at to capture our perfect photos. Heres two photos taken from todays lab, the first one is my photo of a guy in my group and the second one is a picture of me that one of the guys in my group took, as you can see the photo is very bright as we had the three lights on for when we took the photo to display the flashes used.
Lab03 In todays lab we began to mess around with the different lighting when using the camera flash. When your using a flash in day light it allows all the light in giving you a bright photo and when using it in the dark it enhances your main focus with the dark background
Lab02 In this lab we were learning about the uses of different flash. We just started playing around with the camera in different lighting to try make some nice shots for our  photos As well as using lighting we were using the different flash modes like "Red eye" "Rear", "Auto" and "Slow" just to see how the photos would turn out, be increasing/decreasing ISO and the f values.